The Moody Baker, Kartika Wijaya

Known by the handle @themoodybaker on Instagram, Kartika Wijaya, the baker behind the internet persona – whose original and novel creations, such as the Kue Cubit, took off on social media during the pandemic – chatted with Guit about her story and her very own rarely heard dessert recommendation for her community. 

Anindita S. Jati

The moody baker kicked off 2023 by rolling out the red carpet for her dedicated shop at Lucy Curated Compound (LCC) in South Jakarta. We paid Kartika a visit on a cloudy Friday afternoon at her LCC shop. At less than a year old, the Moody Baker LCC shop is still a baby, but one that learns to walk in pace quickly, call it the power of the internet or word of mouth if you may, but for us, it’s obvious that it’s due to Kartika’s authentic and passionate energy.

Hi Kartika! Taking a delicious journey back in time, could you share how The Moody Baker first came to life? What stirred your passion for creating not just pastries but a whole mood in your bakery?

It was more of a curiosity than a hobby. Since the very beginning, I did not intend for it to be a bakery. Instead, I aimed to share my personality and a whole lot of mood through each cake. 'Moodybakerr' is an alter ego, a reflection of my individuality and creativity. 

Now, with your background living in Melbourne, Jakarta, and even a dash of Paris in the mix, how did these cities influence the flavors and vibes that we experience at The Moody Baker today?

Melbourne is laid-back like nothing is forced. Jakarta is a hectic, chaotic mess. Paris is all about 'less is more,' and you can definitely see this in my bakes. The visuals are always chaotic, while the tastes are super chill, the decor is beyond minimal. So yes, with my treats, I can say nothing is forced to stand out, leaving you always wanting for more.

Imagine Melbourne and Jakarta having a taste-off! If each city's essence were a pastry on your menu, what unique flavors would they bring to the table?

Vegemite and Lapis Legit in a different form. Can’t think of any right now. But these two… are strong contenders.

Living the sweet life in Jakarta must be an adventure. How does the city's vibrant energy play a role in shaping the mood of your bakery creations at The Moody Baker?

As much as I love Jakarta, there is nothing sweet about this city (having snagged the most polluted city title in 2023, and consistently ranking high in the World’s Most Congested Cities list). That's why I create sweets – to make the people here feel sweeter and less bitter after dealing with traffic 24/7. That is one of the main reasons why I do what I do, to make people a bit happier and sweeter.

Did your time in Paris influence any signature pastries at The Moody Baker? Any 'oh là là' moments that found their way into your recipes?

Definitely. Less is more. You see that in one of my best-selling Kue Cubit. Some said it’s the most “ga jelas” (Jakartan’s way of saying indefinable, confusing almost,) cake but it tastes heavenly.

Now! We know you were featured on Elle and Bazaar Indonesia, thanks to your style persona on the digital world! Balancing being a trendsetter in both baking and fashion is no small feat. How do you keep The Moody Baker's pastry creations in tune with the latest trends while maintaining that unique and moody touch?

Emphasizing on Moody is not just a bakery, it's a personality and alter ego. By saying 'nothing is forced,' I aim to create a unique identity, steering away from the usual, and keeping things genuine and authentic in my creations. ✌️

Speaking of fashion, give us your inspiration! What are The Moody Baker’s favorite fashion brands, something that can leave your mood up!?

I’m currently eyeing Schiaparelli.

“Emphasizing that Moody is not just a bakery, it's a personality and alter ego. By saying “nothing is forced,” I aim to create a unique identity, steering away from the usual, and keeping things genuine and authentic in my creations.”

Is there a day when your mood says you. do not. want. to. Bake? If yes then how do you channel this?

Too often to mention. I let it be. I sleep and let the day go by. I’m only human after all. 🧘‍♀️

Can you share a little bit more about themoodyogi?

It’s another alter ego. But this one is way more personal.

Between moody yogi and moody baker do each of them have their own favorite recipe!?

Since both are me aka the same person albeit different alter ego. Pistachio has gotta be the most fav.

Your Instagram showcases an enticing array of pastries, style, and a lot of other things in between it.. Spill the beans—how do you curate the mood for your followers?

You may notice on the Moodybakerr Instagram I only post 5 to 8 times a year—call it laziness if you may. However, I reply to each post and DMs individually. This way my followers understand that Moodybakerr is a safe space. I don't just sell cakes but I'm also a friend to everybody, it’s a community. There is no curation all genuine and personal 😆


Agnes Naomi Shivapriya


Shimpei Nagumo